FILM::Post-Apocalypto: Where Tomorrowland and Mad Max: Fury Road are distant cousins

Despite the title, this blog is not about Mel Gibson's Apocalptyo. Two feature films arrived in theaters the past two weeks. One got rave reviews (Mad Max: Fury Road). The other, more lukewarm response (Tomorrowland). I saw both and agree with the critical consensus. Mad Max was awesome - better than the originals even, IMO. … Continue reading FILM::Post-Apocalypto: Where Tomorrowland and Mad Max: Fury Road are distant cousins

FILM::Ranking Christopher Nolan

Everyone loves Christopher Nolan these days - even Wired magazine, who invited Nolan to guest edit their latest issue. I've been a fan since his early work, starting with Memento. (Never saw Following. Will eventually get around to it.) I'm of the opinion that he could be this generation's Martin Scorsese, but maybe I am … Continue reading FILM::Ranking Christopher Nolan