TECH::What’s New in NAS in NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP 8.3?

Clustered Data ONTAP 8.3RC1 was made available this past month. Datacenter Dan's blog mentions some of the main new features made available with this release, but made no mention of the NAS enhancements (much to my chagrin). So, I figured I'd fill the gap. If you attended NetApp Insight or have a valid NetApp login, … Continue reading TECH::What’s New in NAS in NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP 8.3?

FILM::Ranking Christopher Nolan

Everyone loves Christopher Nolan these days - even Wired magazine, who invited Nolan to guest edit their latest issue. I've been a fan since his early work, starting with Memento. (Never saw Following. Will eventually get around to it.) I'm of the opinion that he could be this generation's Martin Scorsese, but maybe I am … Continue reading FILM::Ranking Christopher Nolan

Cisco Champions 2015

Some nice shout outs! Thanks!

Data Center Digressions

I’m very grateful and proud to find myself and several other members of the NetApp family designated as Cisco Champions for 2015. Cisco Champion(s) is a program similar to the VMware vExpert program in recognizing and rewarding the pursuit of relevant technical achievement and, even more importantly, active participation within the technical community. There can be many areas for that involvement to occur – Twitter, Facebook, Cisco Communities, blogs, and much more – but it’s centered around passion, collaboration, support, and “spreading the wealth” by sharing the knowledge that you’ve gained with other people.

The program is now starting its second year (membership is designated annually) and it’s great to see a good size contingent from the NetApp family as Cisco Champions:

  • Michael Cade (@MichaelCade1 and of Avnet Technology Solutions: Senior Technical Consultant and a NetApp A-Team member

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Why I love/hate the Interwebz

Everything is connected. Even before the tubes and wires Senator Ted Stevens imagined to comprise the Internet, before DARPA, life in general was a series of connections. Friends. Family. Work. The food chain. Everything had a purpose, which made other purposes. Then the stupid old Internet came along. Now, things were REALLY connected. Hyper-connected. We … Continue reading Why I love/hate the Interwebz