The NetApp A200 is kind of a big deal…


Recently, reviewed the NetApp All Flash FAS model, the A200.

The testing workload was as follows:

The application workload benchmarks for the NetApp AFF A200 consist of the MySQL OLTP performance via SysBench and Microsoft SQL Server OLTP performance with a simulated TPC-C workload.

Some of the application simulated workloads were:

  • VMware
  • Oracle
  • SQL

Overall, the performance seen from the StorageReview testing was well received, especially considering the fact the A200 is an entry-level flash system. The A200 blends a nice mix of performance, capacity (over 360TB raw) and density (2U of rack space!) in a single system. As a bonus, the raw capacity is measured *before* the 4:1 storage efficiency guarantees provided by NetApp.

As a result, tagged the A200 as an editor’s choice. For the full review, click on the link below:

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